This entry was written in July 2020 for a blog I've since abandoned.

Please read the preface first.


  At the time I wrote this, I was in a very different place. I had opened up spiritually so much, without the discernment I've since grown into. A lot of this world I'm about to share was, and is a really important part of my reality. I still have no idea what it means, or where it comes from, but I don't claim that it's a 100% clear account of a past life. Potentially it's a collection of memories from one with some quirky details added in to make it more fun for my child self.

  Whatever the case, I'm sharing it from the perspective of my 20 year old self at the apex of my first 'spitual awakening', with minor edits to improve readability and the like. In some ways that perspective feels embarrassing, but it also feels honest and important.

  Disclaimer: please excuse a few abrupt changes of tense and perspective. When I first wrote this I didn't notice them. Now I'm more aware of that kind of thing, but too lazy to fix it. I use he and I interchangably for Taurus.


  When I was a little kid, I never had much of an imagination. I remember my friends always playing pretend with me, and I'd always ask, “Do you actually see the things you talk about? When you say you’re running towards a castle, do you actually see it?”

  “Sometimes.” was the typical response I would get.

  One day, I was on the playground, and my friends asked if I wanted to play this game with them. It was a game where they were characters from other planets, and went on missions and explored. I said, “Sure, I’ll join.”

  I always knew I wasn’t very creative with large scale things like this, so when they asked me what my character’s name was, I reached out to the depths of my mind, not looking at the real world for a second. When I called out for a name, I found one.

  “Taurus” I said.

  “Great, well we need to get to the ship Taurus. Quick, follow us!”

  And from that point on, I had access to this amazing world that I never had to ‘force’ into existence. I would put my hand to my temple, reach out, and see things from this world that felt so natural. I would explore the depths of it whenever I’d get the chance. My friends would do the same thing with their worlds, and they helped me make sense of the things I would see, or share the same dreams at night exploring the depths of these worlds. When we’d play on the playground, we’d point at the same spots and describe the craziest creatures that we’d both ‘bring into existence’.

  All of that happened in elementary school. 80-90% of the world I found was discovered then, and my drawings from that world were created. What lingered with me was the memory of me asking my friend Caleb, “Hey, what if all this stuff we came up with was real? What if, if we flew out there into space, we were to actually find these places and people?”

  “Of course it’s real.” And I never got an explanation. Just the thought asking, ‘how in the world could it be??’

  As I grew older, I never recorded the stories, or characters. I never told anyone the backstories, or the experiences from dreams I would have. Nonetheless, it all stuck with me. It was like an image that flashed on a screen briefly, but burned itself into the display, and was never forgotten. The hours of stories and places, the pictures of landscapes. Taurus, alone with his dragon. I would think about them from time to time, sharing an unexplainable connection. They would empathise with me when I felt lonely, or needed a reason to live.

  I never could explain it, but I knew I didn’t create them. At least not most of their world. Only recently have I been able to accept that maybe it was a past life. Maybe that’s why I always felt so myself playing the role of Taurus. Maybe that's why I wasn’t surprised when I learned about Zodiac in middle school and found that my sign had the same name as this guy.

  I can’t say I know any of this story for sure, but I hope that I can bring meaning into the world through sharing it. I hope that it affects others the same way it’s affected me. Thank you for reading thus far, and I hope you enjoy the things I have to say.

Who Was He?

  His name was Taurus (pronounced /tĂ€r · uhs/ strangely enough). He was slender, appeared to be in his late twenties, and wasn’t too tall or too short. He had long (to his neck) darker brunette hair, pale skin, and thick calluses under his feet. I believe he had icy blue eyes, however, I mostly saw things through his eyes, and he didn’t look at himself a lot, so I don’t entirely remember.

  He usually went places barefoot and wore comfortable black clothes. He wore a belt that hung at his right side, and had a hood he put up when he didn’t want to be noticed (pictured right). Slung over his shoulder was the strap for a sheath across his back. It held his gold sword along with three entities of yellow light that liked to hover around the blade. In his front pocket was a green throwing star. It was a star that would explode on impact, and somehow duplicate itself when he removed it from his pocket. Thus, he had an endless stash he could throw and blow things up with.

  Taurus was a prince (although his position was really that of a king. I’m not sure why he was called a prince), and when he had to act like a prince, he would wear a silver band (a circular chord) over his hair. This was his form of a crown. He would also wear the black eye makeup that Egyptian pharaohs wore (that kept going in a line on the outside edges of his eyes).

  Zukundi was Taurus’s pet dragon. On Taurus’s planet, there were two dragons (that I knew of): Darius, the ice dragon, who was sky blue about the size of a small house, and an unnamed fire dragon who was about the same size. The fire dragon was a very wild creature, while Darius was somewhat more approachable. Darius had a small litter of offspring, and Taurus asked if he could raise one of them. It was okay with him, so he took one, named it Zukundi (which might have an English translation, but I never knew if it did). Because dragons age much slower than humans, I never remember seeing Zukundi much larger than a car. He mostly slept in my house in his blanket.

  • There are a lot more things I would love to explain about Taurus and Zukundi, but first I must explain other things so those things can make sense.
  • A lot of what I described in this section doesn’t apply until after the backstory described below takes place

The Backstory

  Taurus was born into royalty. He had one sister (at least that I recall). His father was the king of, from what I remember, most of the planet. Likewise, his mother was the queen. It was a really wonderful world. The atmosphere was yellow, and there was a lot of sunshine. People were happy under the monarchy, and I remember a carnival. There were games, people on stilts, music (there was a lot of music) and a lot of other really cool things. I don’t remember the technology of this time, but it was somewhat irrelevant to the story.

  Most of the planet was either water or land. I think there may have been two massive continents, but I don’t remember for sure. There was green grass, yellow grass, and a lot of fields and wildlife. Remembering the yellow hue of everything gives me a warm feeling.

  One of my best friends at the time was a sorcerer. On this planet there was magic, although most people left it to the magicians and whatnot.

  My friend put a spell on me that would make me live forever. I could still die, but I wouldn’t age. Anyways, he was getting into magic, and there was this one spell, a complex one that he wanted to do. It was the day of a celebration, or carnival or whatever, and I knew that he was going to do it. The spell he wanted to do was a dangerous one that had a history in the local star system. This was something I learned after the fact.

  Basically, he would take an item (a staff in his case), say some things, move the item around, and in a burst of purple energy, he would become an unstoppably powerful force. He would feed off the staff’s energy, and the staff would feed off of his energy.

  I understood why he wanted to do it. He wanted to become the most powerful wizard he could be. For most of the time I knew him, he could manipulate purple magic.

  To explain, there were two types of magic: low level magic (sky blue with green sometimes) and deep magic (purple). Most people who used magic could manipulate low level magic, and only the most magical or trained magicians could manipulate purple magic. [Sidenote - some races or even people were incapable of manipulating magic, and I believe some were immune to being affected by low level magic.]

  The thing about this particular spell was that it was known to turn the spellcaster bad. Because of this, I remember running into my friend’s house as he was casting the spell. I ran through the rooms, past his servants doing things, and almost reached the top of the stairs where I could see him doing it through an open door only 15 feet away, when a tall man knocked me down the staircase with his broom, and the spell was complete.

  After that, I don’t remember what it looked like, but the planet was destroyed. I believe my magician friend died (eventually) and his purple ghost lived on, doing horrible things. It was either him, or his ghost that incurred an apocalypse. I don’t remember the nature of the apocalypse, but everyone I knew but my sister and I was killed (her survival is irrelevant to the story, so I’ll explain later).

  Somehow, I eventually escaped into space, and knowing that I would live forever, I went to a place in Keyjition (a place I'll talk more about later) where there was just a walkway and tubes on either side of it where those that lived forever could go and hypersleep their way through thousands and thousands of years and be woken up in a new world.

  The tubes were either transparent blue or purple, and the ones that were occupied housed very interesting lifeforms. I went to sleep in one, and every thousand years it would wake up part of my brain, tell me how long it’s been, what’s happened, and ask if I wanted to wake up. I believe I slept for around 17,000 years. When I woke up, my planet was much further from the sun, had a completely different ecosystem, and looked a lot different.

The Planet

  To summarize, the planet looked ‘gloomy.’ The stars were always visible and bright, and the sky was tinted deep purple. In fact, the atmosphere was purple, as the whole planet was bound by deep magic to prevent the use of magic on the planet. The sun was the brightest star in the sky, but not by much.

  In the sky, shadows and lights of Keyjition could be seen among the stars. Keyjition was like an asteroid belt, where the asteroids were more jagged and didn’t move. Besides that, the phosphorescent blue moon could be seen, casting dim moonlight on its planet.

  The planet’s surface mostly consisted of a smooth, dark grey stone. The stone had ridges, but no cracks and rarely a crevice. It looked as if someone petrified the ocean, and smoothed over the smaller ripples. In many places, stone plains and hills stretched as far as the eye could see.

  Among the landscape were two types of trees: green pines and red willow-like trees. The willow trees appeared ‘soft,’ were very bright red, and had black trunks.

  Scattered nearly everywhere were lakes, pools, and streams of lava. The planet had waterways as well, but lava was the most prevalent. On the occasion that you found a waterway, you would most likely find a village next to it. Most people lived in villages, or farms.

  When I think about it, I don’t know how to explain it, but plants somehow grew well in the solid stone. There were many farms and forests that grew well on the stone, although the barren plains were the most prominent.

  The planet had many natural caves, and also portals. The portals were purple circles in the ground that could take you from one portal to another somewhere on the planet. When I was younger, I couldn’t explain why or how there were portals, so I didn’t think about it too often.


  When Taurus returned to the planet, it was unpopulated, and full of runes from the old world. They were somewhat rare, and many of them were nearly indistinguishable (such as a skeleton of a ship I saw). Occasionally, buildings were in tact enough to be recognized.

  There was one area on the planet, about the size of a small town, that was stuck in time. There was grass there, and a sun that shined. Buildings and mechs from the old world stood in the silent sun, untouched for thousands of years.

  After it was discovered, Tauraxian sentinels were sent to protect the site. I referred to the spot as Sun Point.


  When I first saw this world in elementary school (I don’t remember what grade), I got the name Taurax, and took it to be my own. Then I realized I was the prince of a country, and thought, ‘Oh, Taurus is the name of the country.’ But then I was like, ‘Wait no, those are supposed to be switched. Taurus feels like my name, and Taurax is the name of the country I rule over.’ So I left it at that.

  Anyways! Taurax was a smaller country (big compared to many small countries on the planet). It was home to many village people, a few rich people (I think they moved from Keyjition), and my sentinels. It would seem like there'd be an unfair divide, but in Taurax, village people lived nice lives, and they were happy with the way things were.

  I had a somewhat small palace, with four walls and silver colored bricks. I didn’t live there, but I came there to talk with my people.

  Tauraxian sentinels were there to protect people, never to police them. They wore silver armor with blue details, and clear visors that covered their faces. They each carried and were trained with various weapons, a sword with a blue or green light strip through the center was a popular one (also, small guns). Many also had transparent shields they would use in battles. The picture to the left is a pretty bad representation of their armor, but a good representation of their shields and swords.

  Not all of my sentinels had swords and shields. Some sentinels had crossbows, and ones that acted as guards had these: (although they were silver with a blue cuff near the top).

  The flag of Taurax was sky blue, with the head of a red bull in the center. The bull was drawn by two or three simple red lines. The flag was longer than most of our flags, and could be seen on my house, on the spires of the palace, and on the stone brick military outposts around Taurax.

My Spaceship

  I had a personal spaceship. The name of it was in Tauraxian (I don’t know the real name of the language), but when I thought about the meanings of the words in the name, I got ‘Plasma Spark X48.’ I knew ‘spark’ wasn’t a direct translation, but I wasn’t sure what was, and that was the closest word.

  It had ‘plasma’ in the name because it was a plasma powered ship that used raw plasma to fly and run the computer (although it may have been converted for the computer. Not entirely sure how that worked.) I believe the plasma was stored in the wings, as they glew and the lights in them moved around. Many electronics and machines were powered by plasma, and in Keyjition, there was a store that sold purely plasma based things. That’s where I got my ship.

  The name had X48 in it because the computer had a 48 bit processor and ran a 48 bit system. Unlike computers on earth, which are almost exclusively 32 and 64 bit, computers there had a lot of variety in processors (in part, to prevent hacking). The computer in this ship was far more advanced than any computer system on earth (however, I don’t believe it was sentient). You could tell it to go wherever you wanted, and it would fly you there. If it didn’t know where to go, you could tell it coordinates, or just fly it yourself.

  The ship also had the ability to repair damage on itself. If it was struck by something, it could fix itself, and be good as new. The ship had other abilities, such as the ability to create a ‘force field’ around it, warp space to ‘jump’ forward, and the ability to ‘help’ you as you build and code upgrades or new features to it.

  The ship was orange, black and dark grey, and I maintained it pretty well. It was about the size of a smallish camper, and I think I mostly used it to go to the moon, places in Keyjition, and less often to explore or go on missions.

  The symbol next to X48 in the picture is the planetary symbol for Taurus’s planet.


  In Taurus’s world, there were several different races of sentient beings that lived there. Let me tell you about them!


  In the old world, the only sentient life on the planet were humans. Humans lived there pretty peacefully (in Taurus’s childhood), and went extinct when the old world was destroyed. When Taurus returned to the planet, humans repopulated it (I don’t remember where they came from), but they weren’t alone in doing so.


  There are four types of what I referred to as ‘blokan.’ I don’t know the actual names of the different types, but I always referred to them as: blokan, anti-blokan, albino blokan, and anti-albino blokan. Under this heading I’m going to describe blokan.

  Blokan were unique people. They were about 10 feet tall, had pitch black skin, and were really really muscular. They wore grey cloths over their heads, tied like bandanas, and grey cloths around their waste, tied between their legs.

  The only ones I remember lived in the icy glacier canyons of what I referred to as Ice Point (a bit bigger than Sun Point, and completely covered in snow and glaciers). They lived for thousands of years, and didn’t talk to many outside of their race. They spent their time studying books, the stars, and acting as wise men. There also weren’t very many of them (maybe under 20).

Albino Blokan

  Of the blokan races, albino blokan were the most common (at least on Taurus’s planet). They had skin as white as snow, couldn’t grow hair, were slightly taller than humans, and were typically pretty skinny. Their skin was also somewhat rough.

  Most of the albino blokan I knew of lived in Serephey, the country to the left of Taurax (although, I believe there were almost as many as humans living in the rest of the planet). For the most part, albino blokan didn’t mingle with humans, but lived very similar lives to them. I think the albino blokan of Serephey were slightly more analytical and advanced than the Tauraxians, but also slightly colder.

  Something I haven’t explained yet is that living things on the planet were often correlated with either fire or ice. Albino blokan were creatures of ice. This didn’t mean that they were made of it, but they did have a connection with it.


  Appearance-wise, anti-blokan were about the same in every way to albino blokan, but their skin was pitch black. Anti-blokan had been around since the old world of Taurus’s childhood, but mostly lived underground on their own planet (which was in the same system).

  Anti-blokan were a very hostile, military species. They acted as the North Korea of that world, and did many horrible things. They were usually seen wearing gas masks and holding weapons or bombs.

  The anti-blokan world was brown, as its surface was covered in mud, and littered with pools and seas of blue-yellow lava. The atmosphere was very dark, but had shades of green in it. The anti-blokan lived in a large compound underground, and had a queen as their leader (seen in the picture left).

  The ghost of my sorcerer friend went to that planet often, and is also pictured left. On his right hand is his symbol: a # sign where the lines go off in random directions on the outside.

  When Taurus was a kid, he was in a house that was raided by anti-blokans. I think they wanted him alive, so he was able to escape alive.

Anti-Albino Blokan

  Anti-albino blokan were similar in a lot of ways to albino blokan, except they grew hair like humans, I believe they had smoother skin, and mingled with humans. They were friendly, and musical, and often lived in the same countries as humans. They were pretty rare however, and mostly lived in more populated places. I also don’t know where their native planet was, as I recall seeing them in the space station in Keyjition.

Lava Creatures

  On Taurus’s planet, if you found a body of lava, there was a good chance you'd meet a lava creature. Lava creatures were about three feet tall, and looked like a moving, humanoid glob of lava. They had bright yellow eyes, no neck, and parts of their body that didn’t look like lava were a burnt black. When they walked, they most often left glowing footprints. They swam in lava, and walked mostly along the edges of lava pools. If you came across a lava swamp, you would probably find a lot of them.

  Lava creatures couldn’t speak, and were pretty domestic. If you came across one, the most it would do is walk up to you, and possibly look at you, then go back to walking around. If you look at some of the pictures in other sections, you might see them.

Blue Lava Creatures

  In the anti-blokan world, there are blue lava creatures. They’re mostly the same as normal lava creatures, but some of the ones I remember are infused with metal features. I don’t know why.

Forest People

  Deep in the glowing forest (which I’ll talk about later), there’s a race of ‘forest people.’ Forest people have light yellowish green skin, and grass green hair. I don’t know a lot about forest people, other than that they don’t make themselves known to many people.

Aliens on the Moon

  Since Taurus returned to the planet, the planet gained a moon. The moon was light blue, and had a light blueish and greenish atmosphere. This meant the moon was really magical and fueled low level and pure magic.

  The race that moved to the moon to live there had triangle-ish heads (similar to the picture right), with purple eyes and suits that covered their entire bodies. Their clothes had tubes that went from some places to other places, and they may have been cyborgs.

  This race lived on a very magical planet, but was incapable of using or manipulating magic. They were however very technologically advanced, and all of them lived in one incomprehensibly massive tower they built on the moon. They were known for having brilliant engineers, and they helped other races around the galaxy build homes and structures.

  There were thousands and thousands of these guys, and their tower was so big it could be easily seen from space. It was built so it could maintain its integrity after being hit by a massive asteroid. It was also so big that it generated an atmospheric extension to encompass itself with breathable air.

  This race had a noble monarch (King Soku) that lived in the top of the tower, and he (like his people) was a friendly being.

  Many of them had ships, a lot of which were shaped like epsilons (𝞊) with a cockpit in the middle, and two wings on the sides. Below is a side view of one of those ships. The symbol to the left of the text is the planetary symbol for the moon.

  When this race started construction on the moon, they were attacked by bright red, dragon-like creatures that lived in a distant cave. Other than that, there is no known life on the moon.

Countries and Lands

  On Taurus’s planet, Taurax was a large country that Taurus ruled over. Taurax was south of a large sea of lava, and left of Taurax, separated by a river of lava was Serephey. A country equal in size to Taurax, and ruled by a man named Serephez. Taurax and Serephey went to war (I’ll describe in more detail later), and Taurax won (kinda. More like, Serephez was dethroned, and there was no infrastructure, so Taurax took over). Serephey was home to many albino blokans and humans, and most lived similar lives to Tauraxians.